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    Toronto Bridge

    The best in versatility, function and elegance. All in one.

    High performance, unparalleled features, all you need…in multiple options.

    Select a setup. Pick the materials.
    And brace yourself.

    Prefabricated teeth restoration

    A cost-effective and high-performance prosthesis, designed to provide a comfortable and user-friendly experience for the patient. The outcome? A true balance between quality and function that leads to a new and firm smile.


    Layered Full Arch rehabilitation

    A step further… Anatomically designed framework in Cobalt-Chrome, Titanium, Peek or Zirconia for ceramic or composite aesthetic finishing.


    Monolithic Zirconia on Ti-bases

    Crafted for a streamlined protocol that doesn’t compromise on aesthetics and function. It provides the ability to reflect the bespoke anatomy of each patient, with a non-porous and smooth finish minimising the risk of chipping and staining for long-lasting results.


    Monolithic Zirconia with Titanium Bar

    Something Revolutionary. A hybrid solution that combines the versatile aesthetics of monolithic zirconia with the strength of a metal bar. Providing a truly superior prosthetic solution that can withstand high mastication forces for  safety and solidity, especially for All on 4 restorations.


    Zirconia Thimble (with or without holes)

    The ultimate… in everything. A metal thimble  substructure with individual Zirconia crowns: it can assist in managing implant clinical cases with strong disparities without the use of multi-unit abutment (MUA) components. The pinnacle of aesthetic performance, function, management, and maintenance.


    Discover the processing times and the steps of the clinical protocol

    Download the protocol and open the link received via email. Contact us to receive the INTERACTIVE BROCHURE FOR PATIENTS.
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      You’ll have the opportunity to choose from a wide range of materials, including various types of composite or ceramic, for a high degree of customization.

      Moreover, the No-hole solution enables all crowns to conceal their own screw channels, simplifying the management of the All-on restoration process during the appointment.


      Made of composite in a perfect balance between beauty and ease of maintenance.
      With this approach, the crowns and the flange will undergo two parallel production processes, coexisting harmoniously to ensure that rebasing the flange will no longer be a concern.


      You’ll have the opportunity to choose between:

      Peek: high mechanical resistance polymer with excellent biocompatibility. It allows for an absorption of masticatory loads up to 26 times greater than titanium.

      Metal: in order to provide a strong and durable foundation for stable frameworks, even in the most extreme clinical cases.


      Simplifies maintenance through the composite flange, enabling consistent re-basing without compromising the aesthetic appearance


      You’ll decide the level of aesthetic customization you want. Choose from a variety of materials and aesthetic details to create a unique restoration


      We follow the concept of “ideal healing” , thanks to the latest innovation from our Research and Development department: the Morpho Healing Screws


      With us, implantology is completely open source with over 300 available connection


      Managing cases with an angled hole is not a problem. It can manage angles of up to 30 degrees


      Traditional impression or intraoral scanning, we are comfortable with any type of workflow

      Prefabricated teeth restoration
      • Substructure: Titanium and Cobalt Chrome milled from solid using industrial machinery
      • Aesthetic detailing:Prefabricated teeth
        Acrylic resin or composite customized flange.
      • Total appointments 3
      Metal and composite layered framework
      • Substructure: Titanium and Cobalt Chrome milled from solid using industrial machinery
      • Aesthetic detailing: Customized composite layering
        Customized composite flange
      • Total appointments 3
      Peek and composite layered framework
      • Substructure: Peek (cemented structure on T-base)
      • Aesthetic detailing: Customized composite layering
        Customized composite flange
      • Total appointments 3
      Metal and ceramic layered framework
      • Substructure: Titanium and Cobalt Chrome milled from solid using industrial machinery
      • Aesthetic detailing: Customized ceramic layering
        Customized ceramic flange
      • Total appointments 3
      Zirconia and ceramic layered framework
      • Substructure: Zirconio 1200 MPa
        (cemented structure on T-base)
      • Aesthetic detailing: Customized ceramic layering
        Customized ceramic flange
      • Total appointments 3
      Monolithic Zirconia on Ti-bases
      • Substructure: Zirconia 1200/750 MPa
        (cemented structure on T-base)
      • Aesthetic detailing: Coloration with ceramic stains
        Customized ceramic flange
      • Total appointments 3
      Monolithic Zirconia with Titanium Bar
      • Substructure: Titanium and Cobalt Chrome milled from solid using industrial machinery
      • Overstructure: Zirconia 1200/750 MPa
      • Aesthetic detailing: Coloration with ceramic stains
        Customized ceramic flange
      • Total appointments 3
      Zirconia Thimble
      • Substructure: Titanium and Cobalt Chrome milled from solid using industrial machinery
        (cemented structure on T-base)
      • Overstructure: All teeth can be fabricated individually or in groups in Monolithic Zirconia / Ceramic Zirconia
        Spodumene ceramic
      • Aesthetic detailing: Coloration with ceramic stains
        Customized ceramic layering
        Customized composite flange
      • Total appointments 3